Science Quiz No. 1

Welcome to Insight’s Science Quiz No. 1

Photo by Simone Secci on Unsplash

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Congratulations you passed!
You certainly know your science. If you want to check your answers, scroll down and you’ll see answers highlighted green when correct and red when incorrect. Why not share and test your friends/colleagues?

Good effort! You didn’t quite reach the pass mark of 70% but you can check your answers below, highlighted green when correct and red when incorrect.


#1. Which scientist made and used his own single lensed microscopes and is widely regarded as the 'Father of Microscopy'?


#2. In molecular biology and now in the context of Covid-19 testing, what does PCR stand for?


#3. In degrees Celcius, what temperature is Absolute Zero?


#4. In spectrophotometry, which law relates the attenuation of light to the properties of the material through which the light is passing?


#5. Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in a scientific discipline?


#6. At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal?


#7. Which type of cell has a nucleus?


#8. In Botany, what kind of tissue would form part of a plant's vascular system?


#9. Which planet is the 6th most distant from the Sun?


#10. Which German scientist lost his right eye in a laboratory explosion and perfected the design of a gas burner that he used in spectroscopic studies to discover the elements Caesium and Rubidium?
