Science Quiz No. 3

Welcome to Insight’s Science Quiz No. 3

Photo by Simone Secci on UnSplash

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Now try an earlier quiz…

Good effort! You didn’t quite reach the pass mark of 70% but you can check your answers below, highlighted green when correct and red when incorrect.

Now try an earlier quiz…


#1. With a total of 78, which country has had the highest number of Nobel Laureates in Chemistry by Nationality?


#2. Which field of mechanics is concerned with the study of projectiles?


#3. In classical mechanics, E = ½mv² but what is E in this equation?


#4. If your Doctor advised that you have keraunographical marks on your skin, what would have caused them?


#5. What term is used to describe the earthy scent when rain falls on dry soil?


#6. In 1895, who was it that discovered X-Rays?


#7. "Passing a mixture through an inert material to create separation of the solution components based on differential adsorption" describes which analytical technique?


#8. The chemical formula of Vitamin B12 consists of Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus and 1 other metallic element. Which is it?


#9. Which vaccine is considered to be the first developed against a contagious disease?


#10. What's the human body's largest organ?
